SAPE (Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes)

Thanks to the Guinness ad, there is huge interest (definitely I am) in the Congolese gentlemen of the Society of Tastemakers and Elegant People.

This small group is based in the Brazzaville district of the Congo and they pride themselves in spending most of their hard earned cash on designer suits, shoes and vintage top hats normally bought from Europe.

They are known as Sapeurs which emerged from la SAPE (as per the title) which was set up in the 1960s by a pop star called Papa Wermba.  Even though, most of the gentlemen live in dire poverty, they strive to look their best at all times and although this part of the world has seen violent times,  they don't believe in fighting stating that "Your clothes do all the fighting for you".


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